Specializing in using local, natural and recycled materials, we can be hired to build with you or for you, to create whatever your heart desires. We are experienced in building everything from cob cabins, ovens and benches to installing natural insulation, earthen floors and wall plasters in any style of home.

The Mudgirls live and work in and around Vancouver, Vancouver Island, The Gulf Islands and the Sunshine Coast. We can be hired to build, finish or maintain your natural structures or as workshop facilitators.

Find out what we can build for you!


Mission Statement

To empower ourselves and others through sharing skills and knowledge that promote healing and living in harmony with the Earth.

Mudgirls Collective

Our Guiding Principles

• We work with mostly unprocessed natural and recycled materials to create beautiful and healthy structures that are earth friendly.

• We are a women’s collective and seek to empower ourselves with employment and the skills to build homes.

• We are a collective that is human friendly: recreating our concepts of work to prioritize respect and care for our hearts, our bodies and our children while we work together. We create a work environment that nurtures us.

• All our events are child and mother friendly with quality childcare provided.

• We are structured non-hierarchically. Each member is equally valued and has equal say in decision making.

• We seek to do our business in a non-capitalist spirit. We keep the cost of teaching and sharing natural building affordable by offering our workshops for barter* and building for people with lower incomes as much as we can. *Barter between participant and facilitator. Wherein the participant trades their labour for skill and knowledge.

• We use the teachings of Non-Violent Communication to create a peaceful, mutually respectful and revolutionary harmonious group process.

• We work together to make this up as we go, nurturing a creative, inventive and courageous spirit in us all!
